The Door at the End of the World

Location: Berkeley, California, United States

I was born in a blue waterfall in the Nimian Front. Nursed by a nomad, and living off nuts. They call me West the Wunderkind.

Monday, March 30, 2009


A boy like that found on rockridge island existed in history many ages ago. His name was Nachiketa. He had been offered the riches of the world, hundreds of years as the ever youthful king to a golden empire and/or anything his heart could desire. Nachiketa turned all these things down. He had a more pressing request. "Tell me, Mr. Death, what occurs after I die? Please tell me this, for it is all I want to know."

Sure I can get you a glass of water

30,000 years ago I was asked rather abruptly, to fetch a glass of water from a mountain geyser. When down by the water I met a woman. I somehow instantly forgot about getting the water. I had fallen in love. I settled down and married the woman, had children and led a reasonably long healthy life. After my death, I was asked if I had brought the glass, and why it had taken so long. I only then realized my mistake, gave a report of my actions and apologized. I have the oddest suspicion that a similar test has been occurring, but this time instead of just one lifetime I have forgotten for a period of 30,000 years. In the many chances I've had to remember, I've continued to forget. Even now, I know there was something I had to do, but I just can't recall what. To this day, when I am alone at a watering hole, I will look twice, not for whom I was to bring water, but for the woman.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

La Amistad

When we opened the attic door, we found a small fuzzy bear and a girl. The girl was wearing an old light green dress. They had been playing and looked at us in surprise. There were tea cups on and small coffee table. The little bear had a model sailboat that I think he received as a gift.
I complemented him on his gift, and marveled at their tea set. I then apologized and left. I think it odd that I should never hear them, sometimes I forget they even exist.